UPDATE! – Katey gave it a shot on her printer and got this error, but was able to produce some images of the non coded side and some monochrome.
This is by far my coolest resume yet. While I have yet to choose a final image, Justin Gauder has been kind enough to do some great designs for me. Apologies for blurring the content, but I have to protect a little of my privacy at least. And yes you could probably still unblur it. Anyway, try photocopying my resumé…
You can’t! At least not on the copiers at my office. I still need to do further testing to see how extensive this hackery can go, but great first tests so far. Instead of a nice copy you get the following…
Why? Because of the magic image I’ve embedded on the page. This includes the code found on the new Australian $5 note that tells the copier “Hey, this dodgy mofo is trying to copy currency!!”
The red circles you can see in the top left corner of one side. To this code, the copier responds by slicing the image into strips preventing a clean copy.
I’ve pulled the coded dots out for you.
For comparison, the old note doesn’t have these dots and it copies fine.
It’s pretty specific about the dots being red and the size of the circles, but can be overlaid on any image as long as the overall size is correct and the background isn’t the same or close to the same color red. Don’t make it too transparent either. Please note, you can still PRINT the image. Just not copy. Anyone wanna pull apart the copy firmware? 😀
I’d love to be sitting in an interview and have the interviewer tell me how the company likes people who think outside the box etc. and bust out something like, “Thinking outside the box is something I strive for. Have you tried photocopying my resumé?”
Hack, break some things, put it back together with sticky tape and pretend you never saw it. Create something awesome!!!
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