Article about using squishs features properly so you get return on investment.
Lauren’s Secret Butter Chicken
Ingredients: 500G chicken Cumin seeds (Very small pinch) Black poppy seeds (very…
Ticwatch Pro Stopped Charging? Easy fix.
First things first, if you’ve already cleaned the charging contacts and pins…
Quarantine Craft Time!
Alright kiddies, the cabin fever has set in and I’m starting to…
Beerbrass App for Android
Well you’ve seen the BeerBrass app in the Google Play Store by now. I…
Fight Those Isolation Blues with a Simulated Dunny Roll Run to the Store…
Stuck in isolation or socially distanced thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic? Can’t…
COVID-19 Wearable App to Help You Avoid Touching Your Face
So I made a COVID-19 Wearable App as I’m stuck at home,…
Joining Timing Belts for 3d Printers etc.
So you have a timing belt for a 3d printer or something…
MadCatz R.A.T.7 Gaming Mouse Drivers for OSX
It seems MadCatz went bust and the only place you can get…
Speeding Up the Ticwatch Pro 1 – more like Ticwatch Slow
So if you own a Ticwatch Pro, you’ve probably noticed that, while…
Adding USB-C to a Late Model 2011 Macbook Pro…sorta
So I have this Macbook Pro 17 inch from 2011, you know…from…
COVID-19 Hue – The Morbid Status Updater
It’s tough to find anything useful to do with the multicolor functions…
The Unexplored Web You May Be Missing…
Sometimes you find yourself sitting in front of the computer at a loss…
So We Cracked the Archer VR1600v v2 Super User Password…
Well the news is out, I won’t explain the method for reasons,…
So I tore apart my Archer VR1600v
No big post. Because of the interest in reverse engineering these things…
Some More Fiddling with the Archer VR1600v
So I still haven’t got hold of a v2 device, but here…
Somerton Man Mystery on TV Again
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s the wrong…
Super Simple IR Control for those Appliances that Refuse to Play Nice with Home Automation
When you automate your home, you’re going to come across some devices…
Google Assistant Voice Control Anything
Inevitably, home automation is made up of many different technologies. No single…
My Lazy-Ass ESP8266 to Roomba 500 Series Connector
I couldn’t justify buying a new Roomba for $1000+ just so I…
Pet Automation…..Pawtomation?
Ok, the title’s a little misleading. I have 2 cats, so they’re…
Bluetooth Earbuds…some assembly required. And parts…have you got spares?
In an effort to keep up with all the cool kids, I…
Archer VR1600v – Getting root or super user credentials the easy way
UPDATED: If you’re inclined to hardware hackery, see my recent post.…
Unicode Your Wifi – Specifically DGND3700v2
God knows why I’m only just trying this now, but it turns…
Getting Google Home Mini to Run My Home Automation
So I use various technologies to get my home automation running when…
Custom Query and Reply from Google Home Mini
…or in other words, getting Google Assistant to just read out some…
Onos!! Buzzy Speaker Repair for a Sonos
So, Chef is whinging that the kitchen sound system has started to…
ATM Cheat Codes
I’ve noticed the old “if you’re getting mugged at an ATM put…
Picking the Lock on a Simple Safe
Throwing out some junk I stumbled onto an old safe I had…
Quick and dirty Bluetooth headphone conversion
I was wondering how easy it would be to convert a pair…
Okay fine I’ll share my code properly!
So I finally gave in and got a personal GitHub for my…
Spare Parts 3d Printer Avec Lazer
So,without getting into a “my spare parts pile is bigger than yours”…
Making of the Nexus Dominus MV – The Last of the Nexus.
What kind of phone is yours? Oh cool. My phone? Oh…its mine.…
…at least the El Cheapo ones do. I’ve used big industrial lasers…
Oh this is happening…
Small weight issue with the motors underpowered due to a dead 2nd…
The year wrapped up
You know if you switch Christmas and New Years traditions, you’d be…
Casually Secure Currency
Lazy counterfeiting security and leveraging the goodies for pranks, profit, and general mischief…
Alexa…fuck you’re high maintenance!
Adventuring with the poor man’s echo… At least that’s what I was…
Cheapskate Charlie Goes Shopping- Headphones
Just to keep the page rolling, I thought I’d post something someone…
Decoding the Somerton Man Cypher
Tin foil hat time. Once upon a time I was really interested…
And we’re back…
I had the notion to revamp the site a little, maintaining the…
Surprise FPV Kit from Spare Parts
Can I use my spare mobile phone as a screen to live…
You Say Wireless Power, I say Evanescent Wave Coupling.
Because that’s what it is and it sounds so much cooler! In…
The Coolest Resumé I’ve Ever Written
UPDATE! – Katey gave it a shot on her printer and got…
DIY Ribbon Cable – The Ghetto Solution for When You Need the Thinnest Connector Possible.
Shoe-horning more hardware (that was never meant to be there) into a mobile phone is damn well difficult. Unless you sacrifice something for space, like maybe a headphone jack 😛 Since there’s no space left in my phone I’ve resorted to making ghetto ribbon connectors to weave in and around the existing components. Here’s how I build the dangerous little cables.
360 test
Just Put the Laptop in at 300c for 7 mins and Don’t Forget to Turn
What do you do when one of the microchips on your laptops…
Branded App POC Complete, Now Go Sit in Beta
I finally got around to finishing the branded proof of concept app…
BeerBrass Beta Download Available
Read on to download the BeerBrass beta app. Before I go further,…
A More Modular Roomba Platform – No cutting, soldering, or drilling.
So you’ve likely seen the mods I’ve applied to the Doomba in…