The Return!

That’s right I’m finally back, as far as updating the website is concerned.


That means I did a fair bit of drinking while in Sydney for a week doing some Google work and the Dev Foundry pitches.  The same posting rules apply, I only update the site when I’m drunk to guarantee sub standard grammar, spelling, and the silliest ideas.  What kind of ideas?  Well this will give you a hint about the newest one that I’ll build then video the first use of.

Spider Alarm Clock

Yes, I intend to build this and install it on my bed head.  For the purposes of keeping a housemate and not being kicked out for releasing thousands of baby spiders into the house, I’m going to do it with a single huntsman or wolf spider.  Whichever I can get hold of the easiest.

I’ve also spent a lot of money via paypal recently, which means a lot of drunk ebay.  I’m not going to spoil my surprises, so I’m avoiding logging into ebay until I see what the outcome was.  Hopefully there’s enough room on my desk at work as I’m not back to my office for the next 2 weeks.

More on all this later….


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